We are Dave and Joy Bearman. Situated in a small village in gently rolling countryside in the heart of Somerset, we have been breeding alpacas from our founding herd since 2008, using selected herd-sires from respected alpaca breeders over our females, and have developed our facilities to include a purpose-built fibre processing workshop and studio where fleece from our own alpacas is turned into beautiful garments and teddies, making the most of the luxurious fibre from these enchanting animals.
We involve ourselves in the ‘total alpaca experience’: with the exception of our initial three females plus two other females, and a retired stud male, our herd has been entirely developed through breeding. We have witnessed the entire lives of most of our herd. We shear them ourselves, and give all routine medication husbandry. All of the fleece produced is used on site in our studio. Our breeding decisions are based on two requirements: to improve the genetic qualities with each generation, in terms of fleece fineness, density, uniformity etc. along with maintaining a good phenotype: the physiological conformation of the animal – and secondly to produce fibre in solid, selected colours to maximise the use of this luxury product in our fashion garments. We produce our own hay, and use all of the manure on ours and our friends gardens. with the exception of a small amount of mineral feed supplement, medicines and stud services, there is very little energy input, so the carbon footprint of our herd is very small.
We have a Bed & Breakfast studio, and visitors always request an introduction to the alpacas – without exception it is a highlight of their stay (competing with Joy’s cooked breakfast).
By introducing alpacas into your life, you will discover the enrichment that they bring every day, to everyone who keeps them.
Please browse through the site, and we look forward to helping with any enquiries you have, and advising you, if you are considering purchasing alpacas and setting-up facilities on your farm.
Member of the British Alpaca Society
Pure British Alpaca Fibre
Member of the South West Alpaca Group